Indenting is the first Step in your Purchase Workflow.
What is an Indent and Why is it necessary to create one??
Indent is Nothing but a simple Requisition Order created by Project Team.
This Internal Company Document, authorizing the purchase of items, can Save your bsuiness from a world of pain.
As Shigeo Shingo Pointed Out
The most dangerous kind of waste
is the waste we do not recognize.
Purchase Indent is simply a list of items Required for a Particular Project that is generated by Enginnering/Project Team.
This Activity is done in advance and gives breathing room for purchase to occur at a later date when the material is actually required for the project.
Creating Indents allows us to classify the required items before Generating Purchase Orders and Associate the Cost Of these Required Items with respective Orders.
It Prevents Any wastage by allowing you to check for the Items in your factory store before Making the Purchase.
Our ERP makes creation of Indents a starting point for your purchase workflow.
Not only do we allow you to record what items are required, but also other vital information like In-depth Specifications of the items required and Date By which the Materials are required.
Following these Processes takes you just one step closer to truly achieving Lean Inventory.